How do NGS labs that offer multiple solid-tumor panels today expect their testing to shift over the next few years?

May 1, 2023
Clinical Diagnostics

DxBooks DxBite Question: How do NGS labs that offer multiple solid-tumor panels today expect their testing to shift over the next few years?

From ~15 labs we’ve interviewed this year that are running multiple sizes of solid-tumor NGS panels, we found:

  1. While labs expect both small and large solid tumor panel volumes to grow over the next three years, most lab directors expect the most rapid growth to come from large-panel volumes.
  2. Multiple labs that are running more than one solid tumor panel expect their larger panel to replace some or all of their small-panel testing over the next three years. As the reimbursement landscape continues to improve, sequencing costs decrease, and more therapeutic options become available, labs are actively seeking to capture more comprehensive genomic information per patient to drive better patient outcomes.
  3. Labs that are ‘early in-house NGS adopters’ today will likely be characterized in the future as labs of high NGS sophistication, with the largest-plex panels available, even as the technology further spreads to larger segments of the market.

These insights come from our 2023 NGS Oncology DxBook, where we interview labs in the US and Europe that perform NGS panels in-house and/or send out NGS panels. We’ve just released our first data delivery covering 100 institutions, with rich detail about labs’ workflows, use cases, and future NGS expectations.

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