Advanced & Next-Gen Proteomics - Executive Director, Biomarker Sciences, Top 20 Pharma
An executive director who works for a mid-size biopharma company uses next-generation proteomics for biomarker discovery and therapeutic response assessment in phase I and II clinical trials. Their research spans oncology, inflammatory and virological / infectious disease indications. While part of the stakeholder’s work is assay development, these assays are typically conducted by a variety of CROs, and through this diverse contracting work, the stakeholder has gained familiarity with a variety of NGP platforms. Among these, they are most familiar with Olink, Meso Scale, and Luminex, and most satisfied with Meso Scale and Quanterix. They are also familiar with SomaLogic, CellCarta, Quanterix, Standard BioTools and 10x Genomics. Specific approaches employed include high-plex discovery assays (most common), single cell analyses, and ultra-high sensitivity ELISA assays. They comment that the lack of a single CRO who can address all their needs slows turnaround times, and limited bioinformatic supports are significant pain points. This stakeholder believes that single cell approaches will compose a greater share of their work in the future, and expects that a platform combining high sensitivity, specificity, and plex will be a winner in this space.