Comprehensive Genomic Profiling (CGP) in the U.S. - Medical Oncologist, NCI Comprehensive Cancer Center
A medical oncologist provides insights into the significance of CGP in their field, particularly its multi-analyte nature incorporating DNA, RNA, and supplemental protein markers. They highlight key markers such as HER2 and PD-L1 and discuss the importance of companion diagnostics for treatment decision support. The stakeholder stresses the importance of RNA coverage for detecting fusion genes and also emphasizes the importance of prognostic markers and their impact on counseling patients. The stakeholder’s role in CGP testing includes ordering tests, selecting manufacturers, and interpreting results. When selecting manufacturers, they mention several companies as key players in the CGP testing space. They also highlight pain points inCGP testing, such as high costs, challenges with RNA and protein analysis, limitations in germline and somatic DNA testing, and issues with EMR integration. In terms of changes in the future, the stakeholder expects improvements in assessing RNA and protein in as part of theCGP workflow.