NGS Manufacturers Market - Principal Investigator, Ophthalmology Center of Excellence, EU AMC
In this interview, a PI describes their use of sequencing technologies for research on inheritedeye diseases. They regularly engage in large scale collaborative studies and have sequenced over 3,000 patients with eye diseases. Their lab utilizes various Oxford Nanopore sequencers internally. Additionally, they utilize their core and service providers for Illumina sequencing, but as a smaller lab, they do not purchase Illumina sequencers themselves. They are familiar with Illumina, Oxford Nanopore, Thermo Fisher, PacBio, Ultima, and MGI / Complete Genomics. Their main sequencing focus is generating ultra-long reads, for which they view Oxford Nanopore’s technology as ideal, especially considering the zero CapEx model offered. Their major pain points are the price and logistics of utilizing sequencing services, the availability of bioinformaticians, and the difficulty of keeping up with regularly changing chemistry for in-house sequencers. They think winning in the NGS space will require engaging beta testers to drive new science forward to demonstrate the value of one platform versus another.