MRD - Radiation Oncologist / Internist, South Central Comprehensive Cancer Center
A radiation oncologist and internist at a South-Central Comprehensive Cancer Center speaks to their experiences with MRD and ctDNA monitoring assays. A skeptical user of these technologies, this expert has experienced false positive and negative results firsthand, inhibiting their trust in using these types of tests. They are most familiar with Signatera for MRD and monitoring, but they are open to potentially changing vendors in the future based on clinical data releases, FDA approvals, and guideline recommendations. They do not expect the market to be a winner-takes-all scenario, though they believe that there are advantages to tumor-informed tests. Though this individual does not readily use MRD or ctDNA monitoring on their patients, they are most familiar with it in CRC, and they expect that there could be increased applications in breast cancers and NSCLC as well as esophageal cancer in the future pending guideline recommendations.