Women's Health - C-Suite Executive, Small / Medium Genomics Biotech
A C-suite executive at small / medium biotech genomics biotech company has expertise in NIPT, artificial conception (e.g., IVF) and associated technologies (e.g., AI, ERA, PGT). This stakeholder discusses the controversy over endometrial receptivity analysis and results from apaper in JAMA. They believe in the future there will be more precision medicine in the early stages of IVF (e.g., SNPs associated with metabolism of FSH, LH). They consider insufficient research, prognostics, reimbursement, and limited access to care to be key unmet needs felt most heavily in the management of endometriosis, PCOS, pregnancy complications, and menopause. They believe precision medicine activity in the next 1-2 years will be highest in perinatal testing and artificial conception, followed by endometriosis and vaginal microbiome.This stakeholder is particularly excited by activity from AIVF, Inherent Biosciences, JunoGenetics, Repromeda, ZyMot Fertility, Progyny, Kindbody, Carrot Fertility, Luna Genetics, and Arcedi. In the future they believe there will be increasing consolidation of healthcare and private funding in the IVF space. They are also excited about the potential applications of artificial intelligence in the IVF / fertility space.