Women's Health - C-Suite Executive, Small / Medium Women's Health Biotech
A C-suite executive at a small / medium women’s health biotech has expertise in endometriosis, genetics, and prenatal testing (e.g., NIPT). They consider investment, non-invasive diagnostics, a gold standard for testing, and reimbursement to be key missing pieces today. They rate unmet needs highest in endometriosis and perinatal conditions and precision medicine activity in the next 1-2 years highest in endometriosis, fertility, perinatal testing, and artificial conception. This stakeholder discusses challenges with LDT regulation and reimbursement in this space, as well as their perspective on NIPT expansion. They would like to see a biorepository for women’s health and an all-in-one screening test for fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease, STDs and endometriosis. They are particularly excited by activity from ZiWig, MyOme, and Organon. In the future they expect to see endometriosis therapeutics, do not expect significant changes to the investment landscape, and believe FDA / NIH changes could affect momentum.